Thursday, October 1, 2009
Sanity Inducer
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Reply to Amstr by GEW (with an update)
As for my progress, I got a little bit done in August. Basically, I started working up some preliminary notes and arguments for what might turn out to be Chapter Four of the dissertation. Some of it is probably silly, but some of it will be productive.
And today I had my first meeting with my supervisor, which was great. We talked a bit about my notes (regarding Chapter Four), and we discussed my overall plan and the central driving questions of the thesis. We'll meet again tomorrow to talk more.
As for my studies, right I'm looking at primary sources and I'm review some Bakhtin. I think Bakhtin might turn out to be useful! But I'm pretty rusty on theory, so I've got a lot of work to do.
So, Amstr, are you enjoying working during the daytime? How are the September goals going? I really like the "Really see it" project, and I'll be working on that soon.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
My Summer Vacation, by Me
Welcome to Fall, my fellow dissertationers. What did you do over summer vacation?
My work stalled out for the last half of June and all of July. I had hoped to get a draft of my RSA conference paper done this summer, but alas, I have nothing. August ended up being a month of easing back into dissertation work. I read a modest amount, finished a paragraph-by-paragraph summary of Crane’s difficult introduction to Shakespeare’s Brain, got back in the rhythm of working, and prayed for September. Why the praying, you ask? Preschool.
Yesterday, both kids spent 2.5 hours with their teachers and other kids while I haunted a table at a Starbucks housed in a 70s strip mall, looking out over a shiny new Shell station. And I got a ton of writing done. I managed to re-write half of the methods section of my prospectus, and I toyed around with possible structures for my RSA paper. I actually came up with a clever idea for my conclusion, too. I hope I can keep up the momentum. Working during daylight hours is really pretty amazing.
So my plan for September:
-draft RSA paper
-read bunch of relevant articles and write Summary-Critiques of them
-revise my prospectus
-finish prospectus bibliography
-re-read FQ Book 3 (and relevant parts of Books 4 and 5)
-finish as much of Sidney’s New Arcadia as I possibly can
My other dissertation-y project is one I found here (scroll down to the "REALLY see it" section). I’m making a mock-up of my dissertation in a 3-ring binder. I’ll put in a title page, table of contents, sections for each chapter, etc. The hope is that it can help me work on small chunks without being overwhelmed by the dissertation as a whole. I may even cover it with “I heart Shakespeare” stickers, just for the encouragement.
Hope you’ve had good summers, and I’m eager for updates!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Pre-Vacation Organizing
Anybody want to go with me to Wales in September? I think I'm going to fly out around the 3rd, get back around the 12th.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Post-Vacation Working
Friday, July 3, 2009
Summer Madness
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Back soon . . .
Friday, June 12, 2009
News (used to be a plural)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Yet again . . .
Monday, May 11, 2009
One step closer to Italy
Friday, May 8, 2009
I Heart Cognitive Theory

I’ve been reading the introduction to Mary Thomas Crane’s Shakespeare’s Brain, and I love, love, love cognitive theory. It’s the first theory that feels right, or makes sense, or works in concert with the ways that I think, or however you want to say it. She does the complicated work of justifying the use of cognitive science as a means for describing/interpreting literature, situates it among all the big hitters--Foucault, Althusser, Derrida, Lacan, and others--and proposes specific ways to apply cognitive theory to literature. Here’s a shout out to Dr. Rubba for exposing me to linguistic analysis of literature in general, and cognitive theory in particular. (And for telling me that I should go get a PhD.)
I had a little bit of confirmation that I'm doing the right thing by working on a PhD: I stayed up reading literary theory until 1am BECAUSE I WANTED TO! I was so enthralled, I couldn't put it down.
What crazy things have you done that show you have that crazy-making, magical, mystical, brainiac relationship with your PhD subject?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sorry I didn't get back to your FB wall post. The conference went well, and it turned out to be an unexpectedly edifying experience. I look forward to attending more conferences.
The answer to the question regarding theory is unfortunately complex. I have a lot to think about this summer, and I hope I work hard at that thinking rather than indulging in the escapism I am longing for! I guess Foucault has had the biggest impact on me in terms of heuristic devices, but that has political implications and complications. I'm not sure what to do about it yet. Also, F. Jameson and Bourdieau have left deep impressions as well. More on that later.
Amstr, good call! I do remember the Summary/Analysis responses, and I have not tried it. I will. I think it would be incredibly helpful, and it's precisely the much-needed skill I may be lacking right now. I'm glad you called that one out.
Okay, good luck everyone!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Cloud Nine
Yay. Yay. Yay. I am so excited and motivated.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
SafiaK, I'm guessing your paper will be fairly theory-heavy. In your studies over the past couple of years, what has been your favorite theory/theorist? The most interesting and the most useful for opening a text? is there a certain theorist whose work you'll rely on in your diss?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
It's in the Mail!
Now I'm going to eat a peanut butter cookie before I go to bed and read a few pages of Breaking Dawn, the last in the Twilight series. Has anyone else read these books? The gender dynamics (along with much of the writing itself) are killing me. At this point, I'm just chugging along so I can see how it all ends, but I'm kind of annoyed at having to go through 700 more pages of the exact same plot moves and character conversations in order to get there. Why didn't I write some bestselling vampire books?
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Working during the day
Almost . . . there . . . Stay on Target! Stay on Target!
Now, I think it's time to get more into primary texts so that I can get a better sense of how they actually fit into this context I've been spending so much time on.
But I do enjoy it. I can't wait for summer so that I can leave teaching behind for a little while--again. I love teaching my Brit lit class, but as for the others--not so much right now. I much prefer working on the research/writing of this dissertation.
I hope my supervisor is kind. It's very hard to send this out without a long list of caveats, disclaimers, and apologies.
Friday, April 17, 2009
An "interesting" proposal
Monday, April 13, 2009
Wall of Shame contribution
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Dark Night of the Scholar
I figured out this week that the times I feel most like quitting are the times that things are likely coming together. Wednesday night I was completely overwhelmed by the idea of proposing a conference paper. I was struggling with the format, feeling like my ideas were too simple, feeling like I’d never know the Faerie Queene well enough to write about it, etc. etc. etc. Then I did what always worked for me in classes: I talked about it (always the verbal processor). I actually started by telling my husband all the reasons I thought I should probably quit working on my PhD, and that turned into telling him my ideas, and that turned into feeling more confident and having a good outline for my conference paper proposal.
I’ve got a draft of my proposal (really an abstract, though I spent half an hour trying to figure out the difference between the two) that I’m sending off to my advisor tonight. I send in the actual proposal before April 18, and should hear back by May 2. This would be my first national conference, and I feel really lucky that my family is willing to be dragged along to Italy if I get in. Mostly, it feels good to know that other people are interested in questions I’m working on, and it doesn’t hurt that the conference paper would likely become a part of a chapter (or be expanded into a chapter). For all this cheeriness, though, I’m sure I’ll spend much of the next weeks anxious that my ideas and writing just aren’t good enough. Tonight, however, I think I’ll celebrate with beer and chocolate.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Wall of Shame Post
- Finish 5000-word piece by April 18th for my supervisor.
It must be done.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Coming Up for Air
I loved your motivation list too. Although I'm a ways away from the dissertation, here's my list of why I'm gonna finish this PhD:
- I'm been wanting to do this forEver.
- I'll be fulfilling a dream.
- I love the idea of being "Dr. B!"
- It opens up possibilities for work and research.
- I can feel responsible without feeling trapped in a "quiet life of desperation."
- Small liberal arts college here I come! (We hope).
- It motivates me to keep questioning, learning, and reaching further shores of understanding ... and more questioning (myself, the world, others, etc.).
- All this constant exposure to new ideas makes me feel more alive.
- It helps me feel connected to a world of text and art in a way that reminds me that I don't just want but need to discard convention (including that of academia! ;)).
Good luck everyone!
Friday, March 20, 2009
More Prospectusing (and some wall of shame contributions)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The Little Things
In other news, I read an article on Sunday. Woohoo! Pitiful, I know. But it felt great to me.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
How on Earth?
Monday, February 23, 2009
My Progress and Questions for Safiak
But yesterday, I spent a couple of hours writing and editing, and I wasn't quite as rusty as I thought. I think a lot of my ideas and some of my research is still in my brain. Yes, I will have to go back over sources and re-read, but I've only fallen one of two steps back. This experience does make me realize that I need to do more note-taking, free-writing after each article/chapter that I read. I did that for the first piece I wrote last June, and it really helped. This fall, I was reading a lot of books, and I think I was overwhelmed by all of the info, so I didn't take many notes. Well, to clarify, I wrote down a lot of quotations, but I didn't write much about my own reactions to the texts and quotations. I need to get back to doing that since those notes can really turn into valuable text.
But so yesterday I wrote about 1000 words and was very happy. They aren't all good words, and they are a bit quote heavy, but it's progress.
So, SafiaK, how are things going with all of your deadlines? How is the conference stuff shaping up? What's the title of your paper?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Prospectus, Here I Come!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Good Luck, SafiaK! (and a not so surprising reflection on reading)
Dear Supervisor
Dear Supervisor,
I’ve been intimidated by this next bit of writing I need to do, and I’m afraid I’m going to writing something that’s not very good and that I’ll embarrass myself and that you’ll think I’m stupid. It might be of tremendous help to me if you could give me “permission” to write something that might not be very good—just so I can get some things on paper—and if you could reassure me that you’ll try not to think I’m stupid. I keep feeling as if I need to read more, to know more, before I write, but that feeling might go on for ever, so I need to just do it. This means I will certainly have holes in my knowledge base.
Would that be okay? If I give you something that might be mediocre or even bad? Then I can revise and move forward as necessary.
Good (Enough) Student
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Getting Rolling.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Getting Back in Gear
- Register for the conference at which I'm supposed to present in March (by Monday).
- Write the conference paper (by 2/15)!
- Reserve a room by 3/1!
- Apply for two fellowships: One for the conference (by 2/1) and one for the Center for Politics and Culture (by 2/15).
- Finish the INCL I took this semester by 3/1.
- Finish compiling two of my three orals lists by 6/1.
Yes, invite your friend Amstr! I was thinking about inviting a former Cal Poly comrade who is working on the last stages of his dissertation right now. Whad'ya think? ;)