Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Good Luck, SafiaK! (and a not so surprising reflection on reading)

SafiaK, good luck with all those upcoming deadlines. I imagine you feverishly working on your conference paper and application. You'll do fabulously.

I rediscovered again last night (I rediscover this often) that I really, really love to read. I'm trying to blaze through Sidney's Old Arcadia, and it's difficult to read quickly because it's just so fascinating. When I'm not actually reading and not actually writing, I forget how much I love it. I think I may institute a 5-pages-a-day reading quota (along with my 15-min.-a-day writing quota) just to keep the activity of scholarship consistent, to remind myself daily how much I (can) love what I do. (And maybe, just possibly, to keep the fear at bay.)

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