Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Finding Books

I have to say, public libraries ROCK! Living across the country from my campus, I thought I was going to have to pay a hefty visiting scholars fee to Stanford, drive 20 min. each way, navigate a college campus, only get books for three weeks, etc. etc. etc. But no. I get to order books through the public library Interlibrary Loan system and walk three blocks to pick them up.

Monday, January 25, 2010

How long has it been?

GEW--I saw on your blog roll that it's been 3 whole months since any of us have written anything dissertation-related over here. So here's my update:

-Draft of RSA paper turned in to advisor (check)
-Prospectus approved by primary and secondary advisors (check)
-Contacted possible third reader (check)
-Dissertation draft totals 45 pages (check)
-Some research done for RSA paper (check)

I should specify that the dissertation draft is just a zero draft. I pick something I think I'll need to explore in the dissertation and write 2-4 pages a week (depending on the week). The idea is that eventually I'll have a chapter take shape and then focus more specifically on the argument for the chapter.

Here's my "to do" list for the next couple months:

-Revise, revise, revise, and polish my RSA paper (deadline: April 1)
-Do as much research as possible on and around paper topic to be prepared for panel and for diss. chapter writing.
-Nail down third reader and submit prospectus (somehow, three busy professors will magically sign the form without me in the state)
-Keep working on dissertation writing
-Finish reading Sidney's New Arcadia (I'm halfway through Book 3, near the point where there's a big blank spot; this book is a doozy. I'm taking good notes, but I do hope I can find some good detailed plot summaries to jog my memory about the insane plot twists and all the Greek character names.)
-Pick a diss. chapter to work on and start sketching out some preliminary arguments.

My current timeline (which I hope is generous) has me defending in about 3 years. As it happens I just ran across something on my Uni website that specifies that I have five years from advancement to candidacy to complete the dissertation. That puts my end date just inside the deadline. It's a good thing I waited to do my areas until after the kids were born. Otherwise I'd be up a crick.

What have you been up to?