Monday, April 13, 2009

Wall of Shame contribution

Have a near-complete working draft of my prospectus by June 1. 

My goal really is to have the prospectus in such a state that I can leave it so I can start on a chapter and come back to mess with it later if I need to.


Good Enough Woman said...

I may have asked you this before, but what does the prospectus include? How long is it?

Amstr said...

8-10 pages. Basically a road map to the dissertation--major questions I'll deal with, context of those questions, critical approach, secondary texts that have been influential to my thinking, primary texts I'll likely deal with, etc. My advisor keeps reminding me that it can be a probing document and doesn't have to have answers.

Another favorite piece of advice he's given me: pick the things you want to write about and worry about justifying why you've picked those later.