Friday, April 24, 2009

Cloud Nine

I got a response from my supervisor (already!) about the 5,000 words that I sent to her, and she was very affirming. In fact, she said, "Overall, I thought this was very good indeed and not rough at all. You really are starting to get to grips with this and shape an argument which is convincing and original."

Yay. Yay. Yay. I am so excited and motivated.


Amstr said...

That's an awesome response! Yay! I'm so so so excited for you! So excited that I'm overusing exclamation points like they're going out of style (and cliches, too)!!! (Because I really am shouting about it.)

Good Enough Woman said...

Thank you! And thanks for the exclamation points! Oh, and I fixed the typo in my title to the post. "Could Nine" doesn't make much sense.