Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Post-Vacation Working

I'm definitely having trouble getting back in the groove after a couple weeks of vacation. I've done very little since I turned in my prospectus draft, and I have a lot I want to accomplish this summer. I ran across these articles and thought I'd pass them along:

How to Re-start Your Dissertation after a Vacation, Part I
How to Re-start Your Dissertation after a Vacation, Part II

I'm supposed to be writing a full draft of my conference paper this summer, but it's been years since I wrote a paper (specifically 4.5 years, excluding area exams). I'm having trouble getting started. Any suggestions? Any surefire strategies you use?

1 comment:

Good Enough Woman said...

Thanks for the links! Right now, I'm just spending all of my time getting the house in order.

Wait . . . it seems as if I'm ALWAYS doing that. But today more than usual. But I do need to get cracking/studying/writing.

Sometimes it helps me to just sit for an hour and review my notes. Before my recent trip, doing this led me to totally re-think my chapter organization, and I think the new plan is much better than the old one. So THAT'S something . . .